Elagabalus: One of the Most Vile and Depraved Roman Emperors in History

Elagabalus, also known as Heliogabalus, was a Roman Emperor who ruled from 218 to 222 AD. He is widely regarded as one of the most vile and depraved rulers in Roman history. Here are some examples of his infamous behavior:

1) Chaining Naked Women to Charriots: Elagabalus was known for his extreme cruelty towards women. He would chain naked women to chariots like horses and then make them pull him around while he whipped them. This sadistic act was known as “Racing of Venus,” named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty, Venus.

2) Releasing Poisonous Snakes: During the gladiator games, Elagabalus would release poisonous snakes into the audience and watch as the crowds panicked and died from the venomous bites.

3) Tying Dinner Guests to a Water Wheel: Elagabalus was also known for his sick fetish of torture. He would tie his dinner guests to a water wheel and then watch as they slowly drowned.

4) Tossing Gold and Silver: To please himself, Elagabalus would throw gold and silver from the balcony of a tower. He would then watch as the commoners fought and died over the money.

5) Filling Government Positions Based on Penis Size: Elagabalus was an incredibly sexually depraved individual who would fill government positions based on the size of men’s penises. His advisor warned him that his reckless and cruel behavior would lead to unrest, but Elagabalus stabbed him to death.

These are just some of the infamous acts that Elagabalus perpetrated during his brief and terrifying reign. His cruelty and depravity would go down in Roman history as among the most vile in the entirety of the Roman Empire.

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